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As a more than 140-year-old Danish company, FLSmidth is a leading technology and service sup-plier to the global mining and cement industry. With its MissionZero programme, it has set a tar-get of providing solutions for zero-emission mining and zero-emission cement production by 2030, supporting a green transition built on sustainable materials. 

In mining, FLSmidth offers the full technology portfolio for process plants for all key commodities like copper, gold, nickel, lithium, zinc and iron-ore. In cement, FLSmidth provides the core products to enable the industry to produce green cement. 

Mining is crucial to the global green and digital transition. The road to net-zero emissions requires an extraordinary increase in demand for electric vehicles and renewable power generation capacity. Some of the key minerals for the green transition include copper, lithium, nickel and cobalt. Demand for these minerals will grow significantly in the next two decades and this demand needs to be met sustainably. FLSmidth has a leading position as a full flowsheet technology supplier for copper, gold, nickel, zinc and lithium mining. Its products range from crushing, screening, conveying, separation, pumps and tailings to digital solutions for process performance. 

Cement is equally important to the world. The demand for cement production is estimated to grow along with increased urbanisation. However, cement production already represents 7% to 8% of global CO2 emissions and the industry has an obligation to future generations to reduce that global footprint. Providing the technology for green cement, produced with a minimum of emis-sions, is the single most important task at hand for FLSmidth’s cement business. Its ambition is what separates it from its competitors. With its premium technology and service offerings, it can make the difference needed to meet the challenges of the industry today.

With less greenfield mining and fewer new cement plants being built, the company’s strategic focus in cement and mining will be towards a service-led business. It will pursue fewer big projects and target more service contracts. It will also prioritise R&D that supports its sustainability ambitions and will exit non-sustainable business areas. And while this also means it will reduce its presence in certain countries, it will increase its footprint in others.

Edited by Creamer Media Reporter


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