RHA restart project, Zimbabwe
Name of the Project
RHA restart project.
Project Owner/s
RHA Tungsten Private Limited.
Project Description
RHA is a developed mine with existing surface plant and infrastructure already paid for in full by Premier.
The new underground conceptual mine plan completed for the project is based on a revised RHA underground mineral resource estimate pertaining to the parts of the orebody included in the conceptual mine plan. The project has mineral resources of 515 000 t at 7.43 kg/t tungsten.
The conceptual mine plan assesses an underground production rate of 6 000 t a month, with a projected life-of-mine of ten years.
Potential Job Creation
Not stated.
Net Present Value/Internal Rate of Return
The project has an estimated payback of 16 months.
Capital Expenditure
The project requires a peak funding requirement of $2.5-million.
As Premier has resolved not to commit further funding to RHA, the new funding would need to be provided by a third party – either the National Indigenisation, and Economic Empowerment Fund or another party.
Planned Start/End Date
Not stated.
Latest Developments
As the updated scoping study model is based on the historical pit optimisation outcomes at lower revenue factors used in the scoping study, given the increase in spodumene prices, a rerun of the pit optimisation would be expected to result in a longer life-of-mine or an increase in production, with an increase in the project net present value and internal rate of return.
Key Contracts, Suppliers and Consultants
Bara Consulting (mine planning consultants), Shango Solutions (geological consultants) and Multotec Process Equipment (metallurgy and process engineer).
Contact Details for Project Information
Premier African Metals, tel +27 100 201 281 or email info@premierafricanminerals.com.