Huawei launches women developers programme

26th March 2021 By: Natasha Odendaal - Creamer Media Senior Deputy Editor

Information and communication technology group Huawei has unveiled a new programme to empower women developers to create applications and tools that can change the world.

The Huawei Women Developers (HWD) programme aims to encourage more women to participate in technological innovation by providing them with more opportunities and platforms for career development and skills training.

“We believe that women will lead technological innovation. We hope that the HWD programme will help women better leverage their talents and unique value and give them opportunities to demonstrate their leadership abilities. This will help make our world a better place,” says Huawei senior VP Chen Lifang.

The global programme, where women developers can “learn, exchange ideas and shine”, provides comprehensive resource support and development opportunities.

The HWD programme is Huawei’s latest initiative as part of its commitment to promoting gender equality.

Huawei’s existing Shining-Star programme also offers women developers special incentives to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship and participants who develop outstanding projects with big potential will have the opportunity to be featured in future campaigns and invited to other official Huawei events