Mike Wells Managing director at Murray & Roberts Cementation
Year of Formation and Background to Founding:
Founded more than a century ago, Murray & Roberts Cementation is the leading mining contracting company in Africa.
Company Mission, Products & Services:
The company offers a comprehensive range of capabilities and services covering the full spectrum of the mining value chain.
This includes shaft sinking, tunnelling, contract mining, raise drilling and specialised mining services. Backed by a team with unsurpassed industry knowledge, skills and experience, the company has a strong track record of successful mine project delivery from concept to commissioning. People are recognised as the most important asset, and this is embodied in the company’s commitment to safety.
Current Shareholders:
Murray & Roberts Ltd
Number of People Employed:
3 024
Greatest Corporate Achievement:
Several notable milestones have been achieved by Murray & Roberts Cementation in recent years, one of which was reaching a landmark of 5 000 000 Fatality Free Shifts in January 2021. Underpinned by a concerted focus on its journey to Zero Harm, the company also achieved Level 1 Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment accreditation, established a coal cutting joint venture and has maintained an order book greater than R13-billion. Committed to a sustainable future, the company has traded through the Covid pandemic without furlough or job losses.
Hope for the Future:
Looking to the future, focus will be on improved productivities and efficiencies being achieved through digitisation and remote operations. Increased renewable energy generation with a marked reduction in diesel powered machines underground is a hope as well as increased foreign investment into the mining sector and last, but certainly not least, an accelerated vaccination rollout, control and end of the Covid pandemic.