Oriole reports consistent lithium exploration results

21st July 2023 By: Darren Parker - Creamer Media Senior Contributing Editor Online

Aim-listed Oriole Resources has reported consistent results from the exploration of lithium potential within its 90%-owned Central Licence Package (CLP) project, in Cameroon.

This extensive CLP project encompasses nine contiguous licences covering an area of 4 091 km2 of previously unexplored rocks of Paleo-Proterozoic to Pan-African age, known to be highly prospective for various commodities, including orogenic-style gold mineralisation and lithium.

Within the CLP, two licences – Ndom and Gamboukou – are currently being assessed for their potential to host hard-rock lithium.

In November last year, Oriole reported that anomalous geochemical data obtained from soil sampling programmes identified lithium-in-soil anomalism at the Ndom licence. This anomaly appeared to be associated with geological units regionally mapped as porphyritic granitoid.

In the same month, the company acquired the Gamboukou licence, located immediately to the south of Ndom, based on its similar lithium-prospective geology.

Subsequent exploration activities confirmed the presence of pegmatite veins within both the Ndom and Gamboukou licence areas, occurring within the granitoids and older basement rocks.

To assess the lithium content, a total of 105 rock-chip samples were collected from Ndom, targeting pegmatite veins with widths of up to 1.5 m. These samples were analysed for a multi-element suite, with the maximum lithium value returned being 39.5 ppm from sample NDR0085.

Further analysis was conducted on 11 rock-chip samples using an alternative methodology. The maximum value obtained from this analysis was 35 ppm lithium. Technical studies are under way to assess the mineralogy of the pegmatites, with the goal of understanding the potential lithium-bearing minerals present.

Looking ahead, mapping and sampling programmes have been designed for the upcoming field season, with Oriole actively seeking an investment partner for its lithium projects.

“While it’s good to get consistent lithium results on the samples taken to date, we do need to complete further analyses and mineralogical studies to begin to understand better the initiation point for the original anomaly.

“As we remain focused on the significant positive gold results seen to date across the five Eastern CLP licences, we will continue to run our lithium investigations in parallel and remain open to any investment interest at a project level from any lithium specialist exploration groups,” Oriole CEO Tim Livesey said.