About Us

Creamer Media was founded by Martin Creamer in 1981, with the first tabloid edition of Engineering News published on 13 March 1981. Today, Creamer Media’s stable has grown to include the Engineering News & Mining Weekly magazine, which is published every Friday, Engineering News Online, Mining Weekly Online, Polity.org.za and Web-based business information portals, Research Channel Africa and the Product Portal. Creamer Media also has a contract publishing division.
Mining Weekly Online provides real-time news reportage on the global resources sector through originated written, video and audio material. Readers may choose to visit the free-to-air aspects of the site, may register for daily email newsletters and may choose to subscribe to the site’s full search function, back copy archive and projects browser.
Besides the Website, Mining Weekly Online is available through a smartphone-ready mobile site and Mining Weekly apps are available for iPhone and Android devices. Each week, 90 371 page impressions are generated by 35 577 unique visitors. Mining Weekly Online also has an active social media presence on Twitter,LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.
Engineering News Online provides real-time news reportage through originated written, video and audio material. Readers may choose to visit the free-to-air aspects of the site, may register for daily email newsletters and may choose to subscribe to the site’s full search function, back copy archive and project browser.
Besides the Website, Engineering News Online is available through a smartphone-ready mobile site and Engineering News apps are available for iPhone and Android devices. Each week, 105 469 page impressions are generated by 52 558 unique visitors. Engineering News also has an active social media presence on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.
Polity, accessible at www.polity.org.za, offers free access to South African legislation, policy documents and daily political news. Original video and podcast material are hosted on the site, including in-depth interviews with some of South Africa’s leading opinion makers and authors.
Regular columnists and guest writers offer analysis of current events, as Polity advances its mission of deepening democracy through access to information. Polity also provides a platform for South African law firms to showcase their expertise through a ‘Legal Briefs’ section where top lawyers can publish their opinions and research.
Creamer Media’s Research Channel Africa publishes reports on key industrial and mining sectors. The reports for each sector are typically updated yearly. Reports are structured to include an overview of the business environment, trends in the sector such as supply and demand, imports and exports, as well as policy and regulatory changes and challenges.
Each report includes up-to-date information on major companies operating in the sector. Research Channel Africa also offer seamless archive access to all the content published on Engineering News Online, Mining Weekly Online and in the Engineering News & Mining Weekly magazine.

Engineering News & Mining Weekly is South Africa’s premier source of weekly real-economy news on projects, products, policies and personalities in the industrial, mining, construction, energy and services sectors. Copies of the weekly news magazine are delivered to the home and/or business premises of subscribers and are also sold at selected retail outlets.
Creamer Media also has a controlled distribution of the publication at airports, car rental outlets, embassies, and hotels throughout South Africa. A digital replica of the weekly magazine is also emailed to readers each Friday.
Creamer Media’s Contract Publishing division provides professional and timely services to companies wishing to produce webinars, magazines, e-magazines, pamphlets, brochures and video materials to enhance their marketing and membership communications.

Telephone: +27 11 622 3744
E-mail: newsdesk@creamermedia.co.za
Website: www.creamermedia.co.za
GPS Co-ordinates:
Latitude: -26.187547
Longitude: 28.12573
Postal Address:
PO Box 785
South Africa
Physical Address:
4th Floor Bedford Center
Cnr Smith and Bradford Roads
South Africa
Creamer Media’s editorial team is made up of editors and journalists based primarily in Johannesburg, South Africa, but with contributors in Cape Town, as well as several African cities. Led by Publishing editor Martin Creamer, the team strives to provide accurate and balanced news and insight on the latest mining, energy and industrial developments, as well as the people and policies shaping these sectors.
To contact the editorial team email newsdesk@engineeringnews.co.za or call +27 11 622 3744.
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Email: subscriptions@creamermedia.co.za
Telephone: +27 11 622 3744 ext 216
By advertising on Engineering News Online, Mining Weekly Online or in the weekly news magazine, Engineering News & Mining Weekly, you expose your company’s products, services and branding to a growing readership of business decision makers, including owners and top managers in the industrial, mining, engineering, construction, energy and services sectors, as well as policy makers at various levels of the public sector. Contact our Advertising Sales Department for the latest copy of our media pack, features schedules and rate cards.
Contact our Advertising Sales Department for the latest copy of our media pack, features schedules and rate cards.
Email: advertising@creamermedia.co.za
Telephone: +27 11 622 3744 ext 227