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BlueRock increases Kareevlei yearly run rate to 400 000 t
22nd June 2020 By: Simone Liedtke

Aim-listed diamond producer BlueRock Diamonds achieved its target to reach a yearly run rate of 400 000 t and operational profitability through enhanced production at the end of 2019. In a... 

April saw almost total collapse in air travel demand, but early signs of recovery appearing
19th June 2020 By: Rebecca Campbell

The International Air Transport Association (Iata) has reported that it has detected signs of a recovery in air passenger demand, following a gigantic collapse in April. Air passenger demand during... 

The Africa Continental Free Trade Area Protocol on Investment: A Prickly Pear for SADC and other Regional Economic Communities
5th June 2020 By: Creamer Media Reporter

Current state of play of the AfCFTA The secretary-general of the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) secretariat, Mr Wemkele Mene made an announcement on 28 April 2020 of the postponement... 

Despite delays, PRASA insists turnaround is continuing
Despite delays, PRASA insists turnaround is continuing
22nd May 2020 By: Simone Liedtke

The turnaround of State-owned Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) is on track, albeit with delays, in part owing to the situation brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, administrator... 

Mineral Resources and Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe
DMRE prioritises regulatory review
7th May 2020 By: Marleny Arnoldi

The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) on May 7 briefed the Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources and Energy on its annual performance plan for the 2020/21 financial year, as well... 

Minerals Council South Africa building in central Johannesburg.
Judgment reserved at Mining Charter review hearing
7th May 2020 By: Martin Creamer

A full bench has heard the application for a judicial review of certain aspects of the Mining Charter gazetted in September 2018. Judge President Mlambo, judges Vally and  Van Der Schyff reserved... 

Aspasa aspires to achieve a goal of zero harm in all surface mining operations including that of pedestrians
Zero harm difficult to attain – Aspasa
1st May 2020 By: Halima Frost

Surface mining association Aspasa director Nico Pienaar tells Mining Weekly that the surface mining industry currently faces many challenges that need to be addressed so that mines can achieve the... 

Iata urges governments to keep air cargo flowing
1st May 2020 By: Rebecca Campbell

The International Air Transport Association (Iata) has called for greater coordination between governments to ensure that air freight continues to flow during the current Covid-19 pandemic. Air... 

ICMM CEO Tom Butler
Learning curve still too steep to define ‘best practice’ mining response
27th April 2020 By: Martin Creamer

The rapidly evolving Covid-19 crisis learning curve is still too steep to conclusively define what a ‘best practice’ response looks like from the mining industry, says the International Council on... 

Boipelo Lekubo
Industry has growth opportunity in inclusion of more women, says Harmony FD
24th April 2020 By: Simone Liedtke

Considering that South Africa’s economy is in a crisis state, gold miner Harmony Gold Mining Company’s newly appointed FD Boipelo Lekubo says the inclusion of more women, in efforts to improve... 

Mandela Mining Precinct can play key role  in navigating industry through Covid-19 crisis
Mandela Mining Precinct can play key role in navigating industry through Covid-19 crisis
24th April 2020 By: Nadine James

Times of crisis and chaos necessitate introspection, creativity and adaptation, and while the Covid-19 pandemic is a challenge that is unprecedented in recent human memory, it highlights how... 

The future looks good for the mining industry
Precinct reaffirms R&D focus, test mine in the works
24th April 2020 By: Mamaili Mamaila

The Mandela Mining Precinct, a public–private mining industry collaboration, remains committed to advancing people-centric processes and technologies, in the research and development (R&D)... 

Mandela Mining Precinct can play key role  in navigating industry through Covid-19 crisis
Mandela Mining Precinct can play key role in navigating industry through Covid-19 crisis
24th April 2020 By: Nadine James

Times of crisis and chaos necessitate introspection, creativity and adaptation, and while the Covid-19 pandemic is a challenge that is unprecedented in recent human memory, it highlights how... 

WWF-SA's Khodani Mulaudzi and Louise Scholtz
Opinion: Covid-19 presents opportunity to rethink impact of mines on communities
22nd April 2020

The temporary closure and imminent reopening of mines across the country in the coming weeks provides an opportunity for mine bosses to assess and rethink their impact on communities, say Louise... 

Nervous bankers leave the gold market stuck in disconnect
Nervous bankers leave the gold market stuck in disconnect
17th April 2020 By: Bloomberg

Gold has rarely been a hotter trade, but the world’s two most important markets remain out of sync. In New York, the price of gold topped $1 750 for the first time in seven years on April 9. In... 

Charter flights now insured to ship gold to ease supply logjam - LBMA
Charter flights now insured to ship gold to ease supply logjam - LBMA
9th April 2020 By: Reuters

Insurance firms have started covering charter flights to carry gold, helping to ease logjams in the bullion supply chain that caused prices to diverge sharply in different markets, the London... 

Advisory firm plays change-agent role amid Covid-19 outbreak
8th April 2020 By: Tracy Hancock

Playing a change agent role, black-women led and controlled technical and management advisory firm LEI Advisory, (a division of Letaba Elihle Investments), can assist companies which have been... 

Anglo Asian uses chartered flight to send gold to Switzerland
7th April 2020 By: Marleny Arnoldi

Aim-listed Anglo Asian Mining has made a further shipment of gold doré bars containing 4 688 oz of gold to MKS Finance, in Switzerland, by way of air-charter. This follows after the company in... 

Mark Cutifani
Anglo going to great lengths to support South Africa in its Covid-19 hour of need
6th April 2020 By: Martin Creamer

Diversified mining company Anglo American is going to remarkable lengths to support South Africa through the devastating Covid-19 crisis. The London- and Johannesburg-listed company, headed by... 

BMA to use charters in Queensland
3rd April 2020 By: Esmarie Iannucci

Diversified major BHP’s coal alliance with Mitsubishi (BMA) on Friday announced that it would only use charter flights to transport fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) employees and contractors, restricting... 

Modernisation vital to the longterm survival of deep-level mining in South Africa
Deep-level operations remain viable although concerns linger
3rd April 2020 By: Mamaili Mamaila

Mining industry employers’ organisation Minerals Council South Africa believes that there is still a viable future for deep-level operations in South Africa. 

Royal Bafokeng Platinum continues to uplift its workers by affording them the opportunity to own their own homes
R2.8bn staff housing project continues apace
27th March 2020 By: Halima Frost

Platinum group metals mining company Royal Bafokeng Platinum (RBPlat) has to date invested almost R1-billion, of a projected R2.8-billion, in the housing project devised for its staff, in line with... 

Fortescue continues despite Covid-19
23rd March 2020 By: Esmarie Iannucci

Iron-ore major Fortescue Metals on Monday said that it would continue to operate its mine sites in the Pilbara, despite the Western Australian government implementing strict border controls that... 

The Saunders A series weir-type valve design is now available through Bearings International and Ernest Lowe
Local company becomes authorised Saunders distributor
6th March 2020 By: Darren Parker

Transmission products distributor Bearings International (BI), in conjunction with sister hydraulic and pneumatic engineering company Ernest Lowe, have become authorised distributors for the... 

Minerals Council Notes Poor Gdp Numbers For 4th Quarter 2019, Urges Government To Move Faster On Improving Growth Prospects
4th March 2020

The Minerals Council South Africa believes that the 1.4%  4th quarter year-on-year decline in GDP reported today highlights the desperate need for the urgent implementation of the range of... 

The Draft Upstream Petroleum Resources Development Bill has received positive comments
Minister skates over issues in speech
28th February 2020 By: Tracy Hancock

The various proverbial “elephants in the room” of the South African mining sector were not addressed by Mineral Resources and Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe when he delivered his speech at the 2020... 

WICKUS BOTHA The success and sustainability of mining companies depends on their ability to engage, and provide sufficient response for all stakeholder needs
Price outlook does not offset gold sector’s challenges
28th February 2020 By: Mc'Kyla Nortje

Despite the challenges that the local gold sector faces, the gold price remains strong, which is likely to continue in the short term, notes multinational professional services firm EY Africa... 

Wimsa deputy chairperson Petro du Pisani
Organisations like Wimsa still needed
20th February 2020 By: Simone Liedtke

Organisations that represent women in the workforce, such as Women in Mining South Africa (Wimsa), are still needed because challenges and issues surrounding their participation in the industry... 

In 2015, the Eternity Power Thermal Harvesting energy recovery plant was inducted into the South African Innovation Awards' Hall of Fame
Mines need energy alternatives
14th February 2020 By: Mamaili Mamaila

Although South African mines are not yet ready to fully adopt renewable energy, they are desperate for a reliable and cost-effective alternative to State-owned power utility Eskom’s monopoly, says... 

Wescoal CEO Reginald Demana
Wescoal set to break ground at Moabsvelden
14th February 2020 By: Kim Cloete

Coal miner Wescoal has announced it will break ground on its greenfield project, in Moabsvelden, Mpumalanga, in February. CEO Reginald Demana on Thursday said the mine would supply three-million... 

Nick Holland
Govt-mining industry cooperation at regional level very good – Gold Fields
13th February 2020 By: Martin Creamer

The cooperation between the government and mines at regional level is very good, but where it falls down is at national level, Gold Fields CEO Nick Holland said on Thursday. Responding to Mining... 

M4Jam provides work opportunities and experience, and bridges the gap between small and large businesses
Microjobbing platform allows for direct mining community development
7th February 2020 By: Schalk Burger

Microjobbing platform Money4Jam (M4Jam) has enabled a mine to more deeply and substantively engage with its surrounding communities by providing them with direct employment opportunities and... 

Minerals Council social performance head Alex Khumalo, junior miners leadership forum chairperson Errol Smart and junior and emerging miners' desk head Grant Mitchell in a briefing at the 2020 Investing in African Mining Indaba
Minerals Council South Africa lobbying strongly for junior miners
5th February 2020 By: Martin Creamer

Junior and emerging miners hold the majority of the 1 700 to 1 800 mining rights that have been issued in South Africa, Minerals Council South Africa social performance head Alex Khumalo said on... 

Smaller mines with turnovers of between R2-million and R150-million are challenged in meeting housing demands by their financial position
Mines required to provide suitable housing for mineworkers
31st January 2020

Surface mining industry body Aggregate and Sand Producers Association of South Africa (Aspasa) has called for further engagement with the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) following... 

Wescoal CEO Reginald Demana
Wescoal to break ground at Moabsvelden in February
30th January 2020 By: Kim Cloete

Coal miner Wescoal has announced it will break ground on its greenfield project, in Moabsvelden, Mpumalanga, in February. CEO Reginald Demana on Thursday said the mine would supply three-million... 

MTB TESTING Master Drilling is undertaking field testing of its mobile tunnel borer at platinum producer Northam Platinum’s Eland mine, in the North West
Mechanised boring solutions making headway
24th January 2020 By: Tracy Hancock

The development of rock-boring and drilling services provider Master Drilling’s mobile tunnel borer (MTB) and shaft-boring system (SBS) technology is advancing, with the machinery expected to... 

LONGSTANDING LOCAL FOCUS Kwatani has relied heavily on local suppliers since going into production in 1976
Local suppliers make financial sense for manufacturers
24th January 2020 By: Tracy Hancock

Using South African suppliers can be far more effective financially when engineering and manufacturing locally and is not simply a matter of complying with Mining Charter III, says industrial and... 

South Africa needs to address its power supply crisis by implementing more energy efficient solutions on an industrial level
Efficiency focus can ease demand on Eskom
24th January 2020 By: Tracy Hancock

Zest WEG, the South African subsidiary of Brazilian motor and controls manufacturer WEG, has engaged local entities as well as the Embassy of Brazil to hold a roundtable in South Africa on energy... 

If South Africa can get back on the map as part of the top 25% of mining investment destinations, the country could significantly grow investment by about 60%
Investors await cue from S African govt
24th January 2020 By: Tracy Hancock

Investors are wary of the South African mining industry, says Minerals Council South Africa CEO Roger Baxter, who will speak at this year’s Investing in African Mining Indaba, in Cape Town. “They... 

Company transforming SA’s industrial landscape
24th January 2020

Built from startup, industrial solutions provider BT Industrial – a new-generation, black-owned, high-energy business driven by innovation, international standards, and service excellence – is... 

Bayoğlu would like to see coal pricing become fairer
Firm invests hopes in Indaba
24th January 2020 By: Darren Parker

Mining investment firm Menar MD Vuslat Bayoğlu hopes that this year’s Investing in African Mining Indaba will “rise to the occasion” in addressing the challenges that are plaguing the South African... 

Kwatani Collaboration Boosts Local Mining Economy
Kwatani Collaboration Boosts Local Mining Economy
17th January 2020

Specialist vibrating equipment Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Kwatani is leveraging a recent multi-year service contract at a large mining customer in the Northern Cape to further boost the... 

Kwatani Collaboration Boosts Local Mining Economy
Kwatani Collaboration Boosts Local Mining Economy
16th January 2020

Specialist vibrating equipment Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Kwatani is leveraging a recent multi-year service contract at a large mining customer in the Northern Cape to further boost the... 

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Schauenburg SmartMine IoT
Schauenburg SmartMine IoT

SmartMine IoT has been developed with the mining industry in mind, to provides our customers with powerful business intelligence and data modelling...

The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

The SAIMM started as a learned society in 1894 after the invention of the cyanide process that saved the South African gold mining industry of the...


FlameBlock is a proudly South African company that engineers, manufactures and supplies fire intumescent and retardant products to the fire...


Leading condition monitoring specialists, WearCheck, help boost machinery lifespan and reduce catastrophic component failure through the scientific...


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