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Yolandi Booyens

By Yolandi Booyens

NOT SUPPORTED Banning alcohol advertising would remove the public’s freedom of choice and negatively impact on employment and the income of media owners, agencies and sports bodies

Ban on alcohol advertising would limit freedom of choice

8th March 2013

Competition in the alcohol industry will be destroyed if government officials succeed in banning alcohol advertising in South Africa – not only will it freeze the market share of the two largest... 

HEAT TREATMENT NOT VIABLE Heat cannot penetrate several hundred tons of dense grain like methyl bromide

Methyl bromide ban holds significant challenges for food industry

8th March 2013

The South African Pest Control Association (Sapca) sent a delegation to the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) in 2012 to raise its concern about a future without the fumigant... 

OBLIVIOUS CONSUMERS The majority of meat eaters in South Africa are not aware of factory farming and the extent to which these animals are mistreated

Stronger regulation of livestock treatment needed

8th March 2013

A committee is investigating the development of an Animal Welfare Act that will regulate the treatment of livestock in South Africa. This problem can, to some extent, be dealt with by the Animals... 

VISION X The lighting solution offers an 80% reduction in light pollution and has a 50 000-hour life expectancy

Improved safety and efficiency possible with new technology

22nd February 2013

Automotive manufacturer Control Instruments Automotive (CI Automotive), a wholly owned subsidiary of the JSE-listed Control Instruments Group, aims to sell 10 000 units of the Vision X range, with... 

PIERRE VAN HELDEN Proper certification and approved contractors are needed to install LED units

Project to save mall about R2m over three years

22nd February 2013

The Maponya Mall project, which entails a shopping complex in Soweto that replaced its fluorescent lighting with light-emitting diode (LED) technology, will have achieved energy reduction savings... 

LEDTEC LIGHTING SOLUTION A 50% reduction in energy consumption  can be achieved with the recently launched LEDtec

Product assists industry amid skills and energy shortage

22nd February 2013

The lighting industry continues to transition from traditional light sources to solid-state light sources of light-emitting diode (LED) technologies, owing to their efficiency and durability,... 

GROWTH EXPECTED The LED market is expected to steadily expand at an average yearly growth rate of 14%

Company aims to expand growth in lighting sector

22nd February 2013

Technology manufacturer Samsung, which currently has a market share in the lighting industry of about 6%, aims to increase this number by entering the retail market early this year following the... 

EDUCATING EXPERTS The Building Centre informs builders and architects of the latest technologies available on the market

Increased need for lighting innovation knowledge

22nd February 2013

Shifting from traditional to modern lighting technologies requires a significant capital outlay, which compels lighting companies to ensure that buyers are adequately informed on the advantages,... 

Presence detector helps save on lighting costs

22nd February 2013

EBDHS is an increased-performance passive infrared presence detector by electronics manufacturer CP Electronics, which was developed for lighting control in areas with occupied spaces and increased... 

SAIJIL SINGH Coface expects labour costs to continue increasing at an average rate of 7% in 2013

Tax fraud rampant in construction industry – analyst

15th February 2013

Tax evasion has been highlighted as a deeply rooted issue in the construction industry – one of the most competitive industries in the South African economy – states credit solutions provider... 

VIRTUAL CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGNThe VDC methodology models both the design and construction elements of a project on computers, allowing engineers to calculate all the variables of a project by creating a three-dimensional building information models  of buildings and alterations (SOURCE: DUANE)

Combined technology solution a first in SA

15th February 2013

Engineering company Royal HaskoningDHV (formerly SSI Engineers & Environmental Consultants) is the first South African firm to introduce the Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) methodology... 

RICHARD WILLIAMS To combat the downturn in the construction industry, GVK has been pursuing work in green building retrofits, sending selected staff from all regions on green-building professional courses

Construction company has hope for 2013

15th February 2013

The persistence of suicidal pricing from many construction contractors desperate to obtain work, restricts the ability of more prudent contractors to secure even low-margin work, states... 

BAIA DE LUANDA To enable sustainable environmental repairs of the bay, the civil infrastructure on land also had to be repaired to prevent pollution from recurring

Firm assists in changing the face of Angola’s capital

15th February 2013

The initial public works phase of the Baia de Luanda project should be completed by the beginning of this year, engineering and development consultant Smec reports. When completed, the project will... 

NAREN BHOJARAMBusiness confidence in South Africa is dropping and Cesa is concerned about South Africa’s drop in the Transparency International Ranking

Cesa signs MoU with Prasa to assist with SIP7 projects

15th February 2013

To ensure the successful outcome of its SIP7 projects, the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Consulting Engineers South Africa (Cesa)... 

TAKING RESPONSIBILITYThe quarry industry has a responsibility to build efficiency into production processes, curb corruption, eliminate bribery and operate transparently

Quarry industry gaining momentum owing to infrastructure development and legal compliance

15th February 2013

Feedback from member companies of the Aggregate and Sand Producers Association of Southern Africa (Aspasa) reflect that the quarry industry gained momentum in 2012, owing to an increase in... 

E-tolling delay holding up freeway projects

E-tolling delay holding up freeway projects

15th February 2013

Delays caused by public opposition to the implementation of e-tolling are a great concern to the South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited (Sanral) and the agency has experienced resulting... 

Proper understanding of law necessary in industry

Proper understanding of law necessary in industry

15th February 2013

Certain sections of legislation, including the Project and Construction Management Professions Act of 2000, aimed at regulating the South African construction industry, are poorly drafted owing to... 

AWARD WINNERS 2012 These awards provide encouragement and are used by the JB Marks Education Trust Fund as a tool to combat drop-out and failure rates among students challenged by the discipline of prolonged study in a new environment

Trust aims to enhance lives of union members

25th January 2013

The Elijah Barayi Memorial Training Centre, a Mineworkers Investment Trust (MIT) beneficiary, is in the process of receiving full accreditation as a further education and training (FET) college,... 

PROMISING RESULTS The Ntaka Hill nickel sulphide project has demonstrated the potential to produce a clean, high-grade, premium quality nickel concentrate that is expected to attract premium prices by using conventional froth flotation

Company aims to play a significant role in African mining

25th January 2013

Mining and exploration company IMX Resources (IMX), which will be an exhibitor at the 2013 Investing in African Mining Indaba, plans to start production at its Ntaka Hill nickel sulphide project by... 

JACQUES ERASMUS Canada is allocating significant funds for investment into African mining and, therefore, many Canadian investors are expected to attend Mining Indaba 2013

Local firm cosponsoring events with Canadian High Commission

25th January 2013

To make Canadian investors aware of its expertise and skills, advisory firm KPMG will cosponsor events, along with the Canadian High Commission, at the Mining Indaba 2013. The cosponsored events at... 

MICROMINE GEOBANK MOBILE TECHNOLOGY Micromine’s various software solutions allow geologists and engineers to locate prospective regions, search for mineral indicators, model and visualise ore-distribution patterns and design mining operations

White paper to highlight solutions

25th January 2013

Pitram, a mine control and management reporting solution, has been implemented in more underground mine sites than any competitor product, claims software and solutions provider Micromine. The... 

PAMELA WADIControl Risks is anticipating a robust discussion between government representatives and private stakeholders regarding resource nationalism and its effect on mining in Africa

Company aims to engage with ‘movers and shakers’ of African mining

25th January 2013

Global risk consultancy Control Risks aims to build on its reputation and record with African-focused mining companies through its well-placed offices across the continent, particularly in south,... 

PETER MAJOR Higher, uncontrollable and almost relentless mining costs and cost increases are evident in the PGMs industry. Therefore, it is necessary to examine where those costs and cost increases are coming from

SA platinum industry holds major potential amid challenges

25th January 2013

Increased operating costs, excessive production, weakening prices and industry perceptions are challenges experienced in the platinum-group metals (PGMs) industry, says corporate solutions provider... 

HENCON HANDLING Hencon will be exhibiting its latest solutions at the 2013 Investing in African Mining Indaba

African mining industry’s future bright, despite safety challenges – Indaba exhibitor

25th January 2013

Safety in the workplace is a significant challenge in the African mining industry and it will be a while before some countries catch up to the industry standards of countries like Australia;... 

MAGNUS ERICSSON African countries are positioning themselves to benefit from a global increase in demand for minerals

Africa – a promising exploration region

25th January 2013

Visitors to the 2013 Investing in African Mining Indaba should recognise Africa as a promising mining exploration region owing to increasing mineral exploration opportunities across the continent,... 

PRECONFERENCE WORKSHOPS Mining Indaba parallel sessions enable deeper discussions on critical topics

Preconference workshops to offer greater depth in conference agenda

25th January 2013

To enhance the educational value and experience for attendees, preconference workshops will be held for the first time at the 2013 Investing in African Mining Indaba. The workshops, to be held on... 

DAMBISA MOYO Chinese investment should be seen as a welcome strategy to help uplift and grow the African economy

China’s race for resources positive for Africa

25th January 2013

China’s race for resources is a considerable opportunity for Africa as it needs significant investment and has a young population, says economist and author Dr Dambisa Moyo. Moyo will be a keynote... 

INDABA FOCUSES Sustainable development will also be addressed at the Indaba to ensure responsible mining together with environmental conservation

Mining Indaba encourages communication in mining industry

25th January 2013

The 2013 Investing in African Mining Indaba aims to unite the mining industry to take stock of current events and new developments and to find solutions for industry challenges, says law firm... 

PHILIP KLAPWIJK Klapwijk will be a featured speaker at the 2013 Investing in African Mining Indaba, taking place at the Cape Town International Convention Centre from February 4 to 7

Klapwijk to give gold outlook, review at Indaba

25th January 2013

It will not be surprising if the gains by silver outpaced those of gold, not only as the usual result of lower liquidity, but also as the memories of painful losses in early 2011 continue to fade,... 

TRAINER PRODUCTIVITY STATION The technology solution helps miners make better use of their experienced trainers

Positive local feedback received on new technologies

25th January 2013

Global equipment training simulator provider Immersive Technologies has received positive feedback from the African mining industry on its Complete and Scalable Operator Training Solution, which... 

CLOGGED GREASE TRAP ZymeTech uses enzyme products as biological agents to remove or neutralise contaminants, such as the fats and oils in polluted water in industrial applications, through the use of grease traps in restaurants, hotels, conference centres and food courts

Enzyme filtration gaining popularity

30th November 2012

While enzyme and bacteria filtration products have separately been available to industries for natural filtration use, filtration company ZymeTech now offers a combined enzyme/bacteria solution to... 

Interest in filter bags increasing

30th November 2012

Local filtration provider Filcon Filters has imported absolute polypropylene matrix (APM) filter bags, ranging from 0.2 µm to 50 µm, from US-based manufacturer Sun-Central for distribution in South... 

SASOL FOCUSED ON SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Innovation, technology and science are major components in the world’s economy as a whole and by providing learners with an avenue of opportunity, we are able to expand the skills base of South Africa in these dynamic fields

Expo contributing towards skills development

26th October 2012

The Department of Education supported petrochemicals giant Sasol’s various initiatives to advance mathematics, science and technology in South Africa, Free State Education MEC Tate Makgoe said at... 

The Sasol Oil team which implemented the integrated planning solution included (from left) Noni Modingoane, Annerie Fouche, Lewin Peter, Xolelwa Ntlango, Martin Maerien, Lenushka Naidoo, Graeme Seals, Lilian Lubbe, Lianne Alexander, Fanie van Wyk and (absent) Rashaad Goosein.

Sasol implements integrated operational, tactical planning platform

26th October 2012

Sasol Oil, part of petrochemicals group Sasol, in June started the implementation of supply chain solutions provider WAM Systems’ Picaso integrated planning solution (IPS) to support its supply... 

OPPOSITION TO HYDRAULIC FRACTURINGNonprofit organisation Treasure the Karoo Action Group (TKAG) chairperson Jonathan Deal believes oil and gas company Shell has not provided any viable proof to support claims that hydraulic fracturing (fracking) will improve South Africa’s energy security, create jobs and assist in reducing greenhouse-gas emissions (SOURCE: BLOOMBERG)

Parties divided on shale gas exploration, fracking

19th October 2012

Nonprofit organisation Treasure the Karoo Action Group (TKAG) chairperson Jonathan Deal believes oil and gas company Shell has not provided any viable proof to support claims that hydraulic... 

MINERAL DUST PROTECTION To realise reduced exposure to mineral dust in the mining industry, elimination control needs to be implemented

Health risk effects from prolonged talc exposure not conclusive

5th October 2012

While studies have confirmed a link between talc exposure and lung disease, a direct link with lung cancer has not yet been confirmed, says occupational health and hygiene provider Boletshe OHH... 

TYRE PROTECTION CHAINSThe biggest demand for tyre protection chains is in the openpit mining industry, with little demand from the quarrying industry, where Omsa-Pewag is promoting the benefits of its products

SA company aims for serious growth

21st September 2012

Tyre protection chain supplier Omsa-Pewag is focused on expanding its presence in the South African quarry industry through increased product and service awareness to reach its 150% growth target... 

A SUSTAINABLE ALTERNATIVE The University of Pretoria (UP) has developed an environment-friendly substrate, the Mabu casing, which is a suitable alternative tao the peat soil used for button mushroom production

Mushroom industry has the option to stop depleting natural resources

10th August 2012

The University of Pretoria (UP) has developed an environment-friendly substrate, the Mabu casing, which is a suitable alternative to the peat soil used for button mushroom production. Casing soil... 

Innovation needed to use water wisely

10th August 2012

An effluent treatment system that eliminates the use of harsh chemicals in water treatment by using only natural resources, has achieved significant results at a water treatment project at the... 

Extended adhesive range made available

6th July 2012

A range of adhesives that is suitable for high and low performance temperatures and offers reduced energy consumption in application and a more efficient manufacturing process, is available to the... 

MAJOR MANGANESE PRODUCERSSouth Africa has the largest mineral resource and mineral reserve base of manganese and ranks second, after China, in both the global production and export of manganese ore

Manganese industry has big potential, not enough support

29th June 2012

Government’s opening up of South Africa’s Kalahari manganese fields (KMF) to exploitation has led to the establishment of several new manganese mining projects and the promise of economic freedom... 

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21st February 2025 By: Martin Creamer

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Hanna Instruments (Pty) Ltd

We supply customers with practical affordable solutions for their testing needs. Our products include benchtop, portable, in-line process control...

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Essentra Components

We are responsible manufacturers of essential components. Manufacturing 80 million parts a week, we have over 1 billion parts in stock.

John Thompson
John Thompson

John Thompson, the leader in energy and environmental solutions through value engineering and innovation, provides the following: design, engineer,...


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