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Bruce Montiea is a Creamer Media Writer for Engineering News and Mining Weekly.

Tel: +2711 622 3744


By Bruce Montiea

Wescoal’s housing programme aims to deliver one house per month to disadvantaged members of the Arbor community, in Mpumalanga

‘Carbon capture’ distribution centre strengthens coal miner’s operations

13th March 2015

Coal miner and supplier Wescoal Holdings’ new “carbon capture  distribution centre”, launched in November last year, is helping the company reduce its carbon footprint and survive challenging... 

Mining companies have to communicate the potential environmental impact of their operations to local communities

Early understanding of social risks should inform project decisions

13th March 2015

Proposed mining projects’ investment and capital expenditure decisions should be informed by an early understanding of social risks, says environmental and social services provider Digby Wells... 

One of the most common challenges of bulk coal distribution is transport costs, from the loading point to the client

Coal merchant to release green coal-processing technology

13th March 2015

Coal merchant Afri Coal is investigating a coal processing method to reduce carbon emissions, says company director Pauline Coertzen. Afri Coal is conducting the research and development for this... 

The research into using algae and related plants for CO2 reduction and cofiring is at an advanced stage at the Clean Coal Technology Centre at Wits

Algae can reduce coal-related CO2 emissions

13th March 2015

South Africa can benefit from using algae and related plants for carbon dioxide (CO2) reduction and cofiring while facilitating mine rehabilitation, says coal expert and University of the... 

IMPROVED ASSET MANAGEMENT Pragma is driving the push towards making the life-cycle costing system widely accessible for the coal mining industry

Asset management system enables total cost insight

13th March 2015

Physical asset management service provider Pragma’s life-cycle costing (LCC) system enables coal mining companies better insight into the total life-cycle costs of their assets, says Pragma asset... 

The regional linking of infrastructure will make it easier for South Africa to tap into the coal resources of neigbouring countries

Suitable rail infrastructure can facilitate access to increased coal resources

13th March 2015

The establishment and maintenance of efficient and accessible rail and port infrastructure, and the regional linking thereof, could enable State-owned electricity provider Eskom to access a... 

The South African Breweries’ business support model is designed to build and strengthen the capabilities of small and medium-sized enterprises to become sustainable entities with the ability to create jobs and wealth

Brewery to identify 2015’s top young entrepreneurs

27th February 2015

Brewing and bottling giant South African Breweries (SAB) will announce this year’s finalist in the SAB KickStart programme – a youth entrepreneurship programme aimed at providing fledgling business... 

BOTTLING FOR EXPORT The Johannesburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s export incubator was launched in October to assist black South African entrepreneurs in selling their products in foreign markets

Joburg chamber launches SME incubator

27th February 2015

In addition to the export incubator it initiated in October last year, to be formally launched later this year as part of its 125 years celebration, business promotion organisation the Johannesburg... 

PROCESSING PERSONAL INFORMATION The PoPI Impact Self-Assessment tool helps SMEs understand the requirements of the PoPI Act regarding the collection and processing of clients’ personally identifiable information

SMEs get PoPI right with self-assessment info tool

27th February 2015

An increasing number of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are benefiting from information security and privacy professional services firm 4Di Privaca’s Protection of Personal Information... 

EASING THE PROCESS The importance of registering a business with ease will never diminish in South Africa, as the country is always on a drive to boost entrepreneurship

Online company registration drive bearing fruit

27th February 2015

Retail bank First National Bank (FNB) has noted a substantial number of newly registered businesses since the launch of the online business registration initiative collaboration, which it... 

BEST PRACTICE Progressive companies are leading the way in a multicultural marketplace by infusing supplier diversity into their main business processes

Diversified supplier base helps companies explore new markets

27th February 2015

South African companies should diversify their supplier base to effectively explore new markets and achieve the flexibility required to survive challenging and ever-changing business operating... 

The Black Business Council (BBC) is excited to be part of the Empowertec Africa expo as the conference dovetails with the BBC’s focus on promoting the incubation of small businesses

Black business advocacy group supports small business expo

27th February 2015

This year marks the first time that black business advocacy organisation the Black Business Council (BBC) will participate in Empowertec Africa – a  biennial expo that showcases small business... 

EMPOWERED SMALL BUSINESSES CDC senior BEE analyst Nolubabalo Pandle, ASAHJ Monti Projects' Xoliswa Tofi, Sidibanisa Techonolgies’ Anele Ganca, CDC SMEE unit head Andile Ntloko, and Sbongukhanyo Limited’s Phumeza Ceshemba

Development agency empowering SMMEs

27th February 2015

The Coega Development Corporation (CDC) handed out 200 certificates in the Eastern Cape and 300 certificates in KwaZulu-Natal in November 2014 to medium-sized and microenterprises (SMMEs) that had... 

The fundamentals for mining projects in Africa remain lucrative and the industry continues to offer opportunities

Control over key performance criteria can reduce project costs

13th February 2015

Mining companies can reduce a project’s final installed cost by 5% to 10% by effectively tracking key performance criteria, says consulting services company SNC-Lavalin project manager John Dixon.... 

VBKom projects has established that the reverse fishbone diagram can be effectively applied to structure any project brainstorming session

Companies to benefit from fishbone method

13th February 2015

Mining companies stand to benefit from professional and specialist project management service provider VBKOM Projects’ “unique application” of the fishbone diagram, also known as the Ishikawa... 

A mine technical system is a crucial part of a modern mine, enabling it to keep up with advancements in technology

MTS upgrades benefit mines

13th February 2015

A mine technical system (MTS) running on a platform that is nearing its end-of-life creates risks in terms of planning and reporting on operational activities of a mine. It could render the mining... 

The project implemented modular design aspects, with the plant designed for operation in the subarctic environment of Russia's far north

On-time commissioning of mining complex demonstrates company’s abilities

13th February 2015

The completion of the commissioning of Russia’s Vladimir Grib diamond deposit’s mining and concentration complex as per schedule, showcases engineering, procurement, and construction management... 

The issue of sustainability in the mining industry has become more prominent over the past ten years

Aligning mining projects with financing requirements a challenge

13th February 2015

Aligning mining projects in Africa with international project financing requirements, while ensuring that there is a direct link to the work conducted on the ground and that clients’ expectations... 

EXPLORATION Much research is being conducted in South Africa to establish a gas policy, including a Gas Utilisation Master Plan

Academics weigh in on gas industry outlook for 2015

30th January 2015

The South African gas sector is likely to see an increase in mergers and acquisitions among gas producers in 2015, especially during the early part of the year, as the industry adjusts to deal with... 

Using hydrogen as an energy carrier, combined with fuel cell technology, has attracted considerable interest from government, international bodies and commercial companies worldwide

Hydrogen research laboratories launched

30th January 2015

As part of government's response to the global challenge of energy security, its hydrogen and fuel cell technologies programme - Hydrogen South Africa (HySA) - and the Council for Scientific and... 

CHANGE IS IMMINENT The Minerals and Petroleum Resources Development Act amendments will have a significant effect on South Africa’s oil and gas industry

SA gas sector viable, despite challenges

30th January 2015

South Africa is regarded as having significant potential as a bankable oil and gas investment destination, with leading hydrocarbon majors and independents, including oil giants Exxon Mobil, Shell,... 

South Africa is likely to see accelerated plans to convert gas into power to meet the growing demand

Govt push for gas expected to continue

30th January 2015

There is likely to be continued support from the South African government this year to promote gas as an alternative source of energy, says professional services firm EY Africa energy sector leader... 

The gas industry produces industrial products, like gas condensates and urea fertiliser, which increase the investment return and attractiveness of gas projects

Oil prices affecting progress of gas in Africa

30th January 2015

The once-promising notion that gas was soon to become a game- changer in Africa seems unlikely to happen in the near future, owing to the negative impact of the low oil price on the industry, says... 

Farmers situated next to officially identified hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, operations need to conduct baseline analysis of their drinking water before fracking starts

CANSA advises farmers to conduct prefracking water tests

30th January 2015

Nonprofit organisation for cancer prevention the Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) has advised farmers situated next to officially identified hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, operations... 

The technology used in the Hydrox Electrolyser reduces the production costs of hydrogen

Cost-effective hydrogen production introduced

30th January 2015

Gas solutions provider Hydrox Holdings has introduced a new hydrogen production method that reduces production costs by eliminating the need for membranes or expensive electrodes typically required... 

Hydraulic fracturing, which is now prominent in South Africa, is expected to start within 12 to 18 months

SA government on track with gas plans

30th January 2015

The possibility of successful gas projects will depend on the emergence of willing investors to fund the costs of exploratory drilling.  An increase in appetite from private investors could... 

From left: Sasol executive VP Bernard Klingenberg, Air Products MD Mike Hellyar and Sasol senior VP of Sasolburg operations Louis Fourie

Gas specialist acquires air separation unit

30th January 2015

Industrial and specialty gas products manufacturer Air Products South Africa in November purchased the  A2100 air separation unit (ASU) from Sasol chemicals division Sasol Chemical Industries, says... 

Boart Longyear is a worldwide provider of drilling services, drilling equipment and performance tooling for mining and drilling companies

Company to use mining event to demonstrate its product innovation legacy

23rd January 2015

This year marks an important milestone for global mineral exploration company Boart Longyear, as it is celebrating its 125th anniversary. The company plans to use the Investing in African Mining... 

The Investing in African Mining Indaba is a perfect forum to discuss issues pertinent to mining companies

Mining companies benefit from allocating resources

23rd January 2015

With decreasing productivity, poor capital discipline and cost inflation plaguing the global mining industry for the past two years, the consulting arm of multinational mining materials company... 

Participating in the 2015 edition of the Investing in African Mining Indaba will sharpen Dow’s focus on the sub-Saharan Africa region

Company enables miners to enhance process efficiency

23rd January 2015

The 2015 Investing in African Mining Indaba is a natural destination for speciality chemicals, advanced materials, agrosciences and plastics company Dow to demonstrate its expertise to mining... 

Nedbank is making an effort to get closer to its clients and let them know that, however turbulent the markets are, it is committed to staying by their side

Banker to identify and finance mining projects at mining event

23rd January 2015

Sustainable banking-focused banker Nedbank aims to use the Investing in African Mining Indaba – to be held at the Cape Town International Convention Centre from February 9 to 12 – to find, promote... 

New programme additions to this year’s Investing in African Mining Indaba will highlight the emerging and most attractive investment opportunities throughout Africa

African mining investment event revitalised

23rd January 2015

This year’s Investing in African Mining Indaba will feature a new addition to the programme – the participation of an influential global figurehead, with former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair as the... 

Attending the Investing in African Mining Indaba will enable Deloitte to better understand the challenges that its clients face, thereby enabling the company to better service their needs

Consulting firm to launch industry reports

23rd January 2015

Consulting and risk management firm Deloitte will launch three industry reports detailing the state and the future of mining in Africa, and mining trends on the continent at this year’s Investing... 

ON SCREEN MICROMINE Africa’s stand at the Investing in African Mining Indaba will be manned by knowledgeable consultants who are able to demonstrate the company’s suite of solutions

Software solutions provider to launch new products

23rd January 2015

Mining software solutions and services provider MICROMINE Africa will launch the latest versions of its mining operations and geological data solutions, Pitram 2015 and Geobank Mobile 2, at this... 

Nordgold will discuss the implementation of its sustainable development programmes in the countries where it operates

Gold producer reveals plans for West Africa investment

23rd January 2015

With several existing developments in West Africa, internationally diversified low-cost gold producer Nordgold plans to invest further in the region and will update potential investors on its... 

The Investing in African Mining Indaba presents an ideal opportunity to shed some light on the need for innovation in occupational risk management

Organisation aligns itself with industry demands

23rd January 2015

Recognising the trends and developments that shape the mining industry across the value chain, occupational health, safety and environmental risk management services provider NOSA aims to establish... 

SRK Consulting’s strategy and policy group can facilitate collaborative engagement among mining industry stakeholders

Consulting company hopes for a prosperous 2015

23rd January 2015

Irrespective of the general negative economic climate, long-term economic value in minerals projects can be achieved once environmental and social issues are built into a company’s strategy and not... 

Cummins decided to be part of the 2015 Investing in African Mining Indaba to showcase its products and services to key decision-makers

Company sheds light on advantages of gas-powered generators at mine sites

23rd January 2015

How to manage the total cost of owning mining equipment and the advantages of using gas-powered generators at mine sites are two of the key discussion points that engine, power generation and... 

The MegaTuff hose offers a hassle-free solution to the problem of abrasion in rugged environments

Mines benefit from long lasting hydraulic hoses

23rd January 2015

Hi-tech rubber belts and hose manufacturer Gates will use this year’s Investing in African Mining Indaba to launch its safe, long-lasting hydraulic hose and couplings for mines, says Gates Europe... 

Vanadium is one of the minor metals that can benefit Africa-based mining projects

Mining to benefit from minor metals growth

23rd January 2015

Africa-based mining projects could benefit from the growth of minor metals, such as tin, graphite and vanadium, says strategic services supplier Core Consultants MD Lara Smith. Smith will deliver a... 

Transnet Freight Rail’s aim is to identify the problems that affect the country’s rail tracks and find the most suitable solutions

State rail company invests in track management

12th December 2014

In support of its Market Demand Strategy (MDS), State-owned freight and logistics company Transnet is concentrating on refurbishing the country’s rail track system through training and the... 

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