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Simon Sonnekus

Simon Sonnekus

Simon Sonnekus is a Creamer Media Reporter for Engineering News and Mining Weekly.

Tel: +2711 622 3744


By Simon Sonnekus

The IS Programme provides a platform for companies to identify which usable waste resources could be made available for other companies in different fields

Industrial symbiosis key to growth in recycling and manufacturing sectors

30th August 2016

The Industrial Symbiosis (IS) Programme delivered by the National Cleaner Production Centre of South Africa (NCPC-SA) at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) campus has proven... 

Platinum supply remains in deficit because primary production is constrained

Producer has positive platinum outlook

19th August 2016

Platinum-group metals (PGMs) remain a positive investment, as there is improved sentiment in the platinum market, and platinum exchange-traded fund (ETF) prices remained stable in the first half of... 

The life of a tyre is directly affected by the condition of haul roads

Tyre management project yields positive results for producer

19th August 2016

A tyre management project under way at Anglo American Platinum’s (Amplats’) Mogalakwena platinum mine, in the Waterberg district of Limpopo, aims to increase hauling days without tyre failures to... 

South African PGM producers are caught between a rock and a hard place because of capital and low share prices, causing their debt to rise

Cooperation needed to save PGMs industry

19th August 2016

Owing to the lower overall platinum group metals (PGMs) price, platinum producers have started to review opportunities to work together through joint ventures.  

Algae-free irrigation systems to save money for farmers

5th August 2016

The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has estimated the rand value of the impact of algae pollution in the Berg river, near Stellenbosch, in the Western Cape. The calculation... 

SA farmers hope for enough rain after winter

5th August 2016

The next five months and the following planting season will be critical for farmers who have been affected by the devastating drought which crippled the agriculture sector recently. According to... 

Partnership expands range for sector

5th August 2016

South Africa-based fertiliser company Advanced Agri has expanded its fertiliser range by introducing two specialised products for various farming disciplines.  According to Advanced Agri director... 

DUCK ARMY Around 1 000 Indian Runner ducks have been employed to eradicate the white dune snail population at Vergenoegd Wine farm in Stellenbosch

Wine farm has its ducks in a row

5th August 2016

About 1 000 Indian runner ducks have been employed by Stellenbosch-based wine farm Vergnoegd Wine Estate to eradicate white dune snails and other insects which inhabit and feed on the vines in the... 

Negative sentiments by the industry on implementing the designation policy and delays of some rail projects have led to discussions with Trade and Industry Minister Dr Rob Davies

Stability and cohesion a way forward for African rail sector

29th July 2016

Companies are under pressure from government and the public to embark on new projects while there are still projects that need to be completed. The countless delays across the rail expansions are... 

The CSIR's survey and inspection device (SID) was debuted at Africa Rail 2016

Inspection device to provide safety in rail operations

29th July 2016

The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has developed a prototype survey and inspection device (SID) to survey and inspect South Africa’s railway lines, which is intended to... 

NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING South Africa and many other African countries have sustainable market capacity for only one NDT industrial sector

Possible change in NDT training

15th July 2016

The harmonisation of second and third part assessment certification schemes found in the South African non-destructive testing (NDT) industry could result in continuous skills development and... 

international NDT institutions have to remain relevant to technicians and the younger generation of professionals within NDT

New technology for NDT technicians in South Africa

15th July 2016

South African non-destructive testing (NDT) technicians can possibly look forward to the global influx of new technology, following the completion of the nineteenth World Conference on NDT held in... 

Thevia can currently produce about 20 000 tiles a month on an experimental line at the pilot plant

Sustainable roof tile set to revolutionise market

8th July 2016

Pretoria-based start-up company Thevia has introduced a sustainably manufactured roof tile that should “revolutionise” the roof tile market owing to its unique design, says Thevia FD Martin... 

WasteCon 2016 to highlight local waste legislation

8th July 2016

The changing face of waste management in South Africa will be the main theme of the Institute of Waste Management of Southern Africa’s (IWMSA’s) biennial waste management conference and exhibition... 

While exporting recyclable plastic material does bring in foreign exchange, the export of good-quality waste impacts South African recycling operations

Good-quality waste necessary for increased mechanical recycling

8th July 2016

The South African plastic industry requires a constant stream of clean, high-quality plastic waste to maintain and increase the level of mechanical recycling in South Africa. While there has been... 

INVESTMENT An additional R150-million investment in project funding is needed over the next four years to enable Polyco to achieve the recycling target of 234 000 t, or 35%, recycled polyolefin by 2020

Separation at source to improve recycling standard

8th July 2016

Nonprofit polyolefin recycling company Polyco is focussing renewed attention on building strong value-chain partnerships with recyclers, converters and brand owners by providing funding support for... 

AVK Valves hopes to secure a stronger market position in industrial segments including the mining, power, steel, pulp and paper and chemical industries

Danish valves producer boosts local production with new factory

24th June 2016

Danish valves producer AVK Valves, which acquired local valves company Premier Valves in 2014, is nearing completion of a brand new valve manufacturing facility located in Alrode in Gauteng. The... 

GROWTH The steady gold price has been a bright light in an otherwise deflated commodities market

Incremental mine development key for gold sector

24th June 2016

In the face of global capital constraints, gold mining companies have been forced to look into alternative options for the development of mines. The gold mining industry is known traditionally for... 

Ncamiso's latest achievement is its maximum gold recovery and environmental remediation partnership with Mintails Mining South Africa

Gold recovery expert working with government to uplift staff

24th June 2016

Local mining and raw material processing firm Ncamiso Mining is currently working closely with the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) to train and develop staff through short courses based on... 

Depleted gold reserves in South Africa have produced a predicament for companies looking to find new orebodies

Higher gold price ensures stable South African sector

24th June 2016

The record high gold price has proven to be a stroke of luck for South African companies functioning within the global gold sector. According to professional services firm KPMG gold commodity lead... 

South African problems pose difficulties for German companies

17th June 2016

German companies aiming to enter the South African market in the near future will face several adversities, including visa regulations, a weakening currency and stringent regulations, says the... 

RAYMOND OBERMEYER German products are synonymous with quality and innovation, as they continuously produce high-quality products

Drives company envisions new developments

17th June 2016

The depressed economy and tightened budgets have not diminished the need for quality products, but rather increased demand for German-made products, notes German industrial drives and motors... 

The acquisition of Orbitalum tools has enabled Actum to expand to higher-growth sectors such as the pharmaceuticals industry

Local company awarded German welding agency

17th June 2016

The acquisition of the South African agency for German tooling manufacturer Orbitalum Tools will allow Dowson & Dobson (D&D) Industrial to provide welding solutions for industries that require tube... 

MIKE CRONIN The large South African customer appetite for German products remains prominent, as by default, Germany is synonymous with engineering and industrial quality

Equipment supplier strengthens bonds with German companies

17th June 2016

The continued quality of German products has allowed Boksburg-based capital equipment and consumables provider Elquip Solutions to thrive in a challenging local market. According to Elquip... 

The use of Hencon Vacuum Technologies' dual vacuum system allows a tunnel to be bored without the need for immediate roof support being installed

Vacuum solutions provider assists diamond industry

3rd June 2016

Heavy-duty industrial vacuum systems designer, manufacturer and supplier Hencon Vacuum Technologies is testing an automated, remote-controlled dual-vacuum unit at diamond miner Petra Diamonds’... 

OPENPIT TO UNDERGROUND Production from the underground development is expected in 2022 and the current plant will treat about 132-million tons of material, containing an estimated 94-million carats

Venetia takes safe approach to building major underground operation

3rd June 2016

Anticipating and prioritising the additional challenges and potential hazards of implementing underground mining operations at the Venetia diamond mine requires putting the necessary enablers and... 

The shafts inspected at a KZN hydro scheme were over 700 m long, 6 m in diameter and with 25˚ slopes

Tricky hydro scheme checks completed

27th May 2016

Difficult-to-complete inspections, high up at a water-storage scheme, in KwaZulu-Natal, were easily completed within the allotted time using  rope access.  Rope access solutions provider Skyriders... 

Sinvac has been supplying the South African market since 1962 with rotomoulded products such as water tank

Rainwater harvesting key for drought-stricken SA

27th May 2016

Owing to constant water supply not being guaranteed, aggravated by the prolonged drought, South Africans have become more proactive in saving water by creating emergency back-up systems and systems... 

WATER SHORTAGE ICLEI cited figures which suggested 565-million people are still using unimproved sanitation and 330-million using unimproved drinking water in sub-Saharan Africa.

Water and sanitation priority at WISA 2016

27th May 2016

African cities are developing rapidly and existing water management systems cannot keep up, leading to a projected quadrupling in demand for water over the next 25 years, said ICLEI - Local... 

MEGAN SCHALKWYK Findings suggest that there has to be a change in mind-set across the water industry value chain, with stakeholders treating WTR as a reusable commodity rather than waste

Calls to reuse water treatment waste take centre stage at WISA 2016

27th May 2016

While the cost-effective and environmentally compliant disposal of water treatment residue (WTR) is a challenge for water treatment practitioners worldwide, WTR management has taken centre stage in... 

The rectangular keys are made with sloped bases, which guide flow over and away from the crest of the weir

Piano key weir solutions investigated at ICOLD 2016

27th May 2016

The investigation into the structural behaviour of piano key weirs was put under the spotlight at the 2016 annual International Commission on Large Dams Meeting (ICOLD), which was held at the... 

Twenty schools, among which leakage was common, were identified as high water users and AquaTrip’s AT201 leak-detection system was installed on their main water lines

Leakage system provides solutions in Johannesburg

13th May 2016

Water-leak detection and control systems provider AquaTrip South Africa has reasserted its focus on conserving water with the installation of its electronic valve, which monitors water flow at... 

Bilfinger Intervalve currently supply coal-fired power producers, such as power utilities and petrochemicals companies, which use high-pressure steam boilers to produce energy

Industries benefit from high-pressure steam valves supply

13th May 2016

Mpumalanga-based valve suppliers Bilfinger Intervalve Africa, a subsidiary of Bilfinger Power Africa based in Rivonia, is supplying high-pressure (HP) steam valves to the power, and petrochemicals... 

The new SY series offer further air savings, as a result of driving bigger cylinders with reduced cycle times without the need to use larger solenoid valves

New manifold series launched and locally produced

13th May 2016

Along with the start of local production later this year, global pneumatics technologies manufacturer SMC Pneumatics has boosted its local range with the redesigning of its SY series of valve... 

As there are no regulations in place regarding pinch valve safety, producers are able to supply valves that could potentially fail under the high pressures

Call for pinch valve regulation

13th May 2016

The operational safety of pinch valves has been brought under the magnifying glass with companies calling for regulation to be implemented in the manufacturing and testing process. Germiston-based... 

In South Africa, the reality is that coal baseload is the most cost-effective power option as there is direct access to the raw materials

Nuclear project affordability a concern for industry

6th May 2016

Owing to the current global economic climate, South Africa’s nuclear procurement deal has had several industry professionals questioning whether the country will be able to afford the projected... 

NUCLEAR SAFETY To curb major nuclear incidents of the same magnitude as Chernobyl, in Ukraine, and Fukushima, in Japan, all the role-players have to commit to the core values of nuclear energy

Safety prioritised at Niasa workshop

6th May 2016

Safety culture across the nuclear value chain was in the spotlight at the Nuclear Industry Association of South Africa (Niasa) workshop, held at the Country Club Johannesburg on April 8.  Although... 

As long as the nuclear project remains affordable, South Africa can look forward to a cleaner, larger source of baseload energy

Economic status hinders nuclear developments

6th May 2016

The development of the proposed nuclear energy project in South Africa could become increasingly difficult to complete, should the economy be downgraded to junk status by credit rating companies.... 

Rosatom is focused on providing tailored nuclear solutions to lower the cost of a unit of electricity

Nuclear energy obvious solution to SA power problems

6th May 2016

The nuclear new build programme, which is projected to supply the South African grid with 9.6 GW, will be a major step towards resolving South Africa’s power problems, says Russian State Atomic... 

Between 50 and 100 companies are expected to attend, with exhibitors from China, the UAE, France, Poland, South Africa, the UK and Turkey confirmed

Emphasis on opportunities in harsh business climate

29th April 2016

The West African Mining & Power Exhibition (Wampex) 2016 will showcase the opportunities that still exist in the challenging African market, says events company and organiser dmg-ems Africa VP... 

Factors such as war, social unrest or hardship are all indicative of a somewhat unstable political environment, which, in turn, negatively impacts on the attractiveness of certain economies

West Africa fraught with challenges in tough mining times

29th April 2016

While political instability, corruption and the global commodities price crunch have had adverse effects on the West African mining sector, other factors such as a lack of infrastructure, power... 


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The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

The SAIMM started as a learned society in 1894 after the invention of the cyanide process that saved the South African gold mining industry of the...

Immersive Technologies
Immersive Technologies

Immersive Technologies is the world's largest, proven and tested supplier of simulator training solutions to the global resources industry.


Developed to exceed the latest EN 15964 standards for police breathalysers proving that it will remain accurate and reliable for many years to come.


Multotec, recognised industry leaders in metallurgy and process engineering help mining houses across the world process minerals more efficiently,...


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